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Be Super!



Construction workers in the United States are 3 to 5 times more likely to be injured or killed on the job compared to workers in other industries. The "Be Super!" toolkit is an evidence-based program designed to help organizations improve safety, health, and well-being by educating supervisors on effective supervision, safety practices, and healthy lifestyles.


Be Super! is now available in an easy-to-use toolkit designed with safety managers, team leads, HR personnel, and you in mind.


Below you will learn how to implement this toolkit in your construction company, get access to user guides, data management tools, and educational materials (in English and Spanish). In addition, find links to our computer-based training (fee to access the training) and instructional videos that will help you improve the safety, health, and well-being of your organization.​


Download BeSuper!'s one pager to share with your organization. 


Learn more on how your organization can participate in YourWorkpath Program​ to access the training program at no cost for up to 200 employees.


*Our toolkits are continually going through improvements and changes to provide your organization with updated and relevant content. Our toolkits were last reviewed and updated on January, 2020.












"The Wellness program was split into categories which we met weekly to discuss. These meetings were short yet informative. The cards we reviewed were educational and brought up good discussion topics for the group to talk over. I believe that breaking the program down into these roughly half an hour meetings allowed our group to participate while not taking a large portion of the workday. It was interesting to discuss these topics with my coworkers and it carried into our discussions throughout the day."

- Erin Slusser, InLine Commercial Construction



“I participated in the program because my employer started the program. The program met my expectations. The program was unique because it was all new. I have never been in a program like this. What I particularly liked about the program was the group discussions. As a whole, I would say the program was good and useful. Yes, I would recommend this program to other companies.”

- Jeffrey Herman, General Sheet Metal



“I participated in the program to be more aware of my health and habits. The program was fun and had interesting facts. The program was unique in the way you can make changes in your lifestyle to help your health and longevity. I liked the program because of the weekly activities, good pace, it wasn't overwhelming, and [provided] useful information. Yes, I would recommend this program to others who work for GSM to make a stronger healthier workforce.”

- Anonymous

Ready to download the Be Super Toolkit?

Click the download button to register or sign in for your free user guide download. Updated user guide, now available! We collect registrations for reporting purposes only. Your information will never be used for marketing or sold to a third-party. 

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Why Adopt Be Super?

U.S. construction workers are 3-5 times more likely to experience work-related fatal and non-fatal injuries compared with the all-industry average.


U.S. construction workers have higher BMI, blood pressure, and obesity rates than the average adult American male.

Construction companies are working hard to improve the safety of their workers.


Total Worker Health provides an evidence-based and integrated approach to improving the safety, health, and well-being of construction workers.


The BeSuper toolkit was developed by Dr. Kent Anger, PhD. Learn more about Kent Anger, and his research at OHSU.




​NwETA, LLC is the company that collaborates with OHSU in the offering of the trainings in these toolkits. OHSU has a financial interest in this company and Dr. Anger, who is the Director of the Oregon Healthy Workforce Center at OHSU, is the company's President. If you would like more information about this, please contact the OHSU Integrity Department at (503) 494-8849 or

The Science Behind Be Super

The Be Super! toolkit that you are about to implement within your organization was developed by a team of researchers with decades of experience. 


The program was tested with 35 construction workers across four commercial construction companies. We found important improvements in safety, health, and well-being (Anger et al., 2018).


  • Improvements in well-being through decreases in pain and decreases in unhealthy food consumption including sugary snacks, sugary drinks, fast food, and caffeine.

  • Increases in supportive supervisor behaviors and supervisor skills and knowledge

  • Improvements in well-being for study participants in the areas of healthy lifestyle knowledge, social support for a healthy diet, exercise behaviors, strength, and sleep duration


The BeSuper toolkit was also adapted in the agricultural industry (funded by PNASH). Funding for BeSuper! was provided by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH; grant: U19OH010154).


View the BeSuper study results.

Scientific publications for BeSuper 


Anger, W.K., Kyler-Yano, J., Vaughn, K., Wipfli, B., Olson, R., Blanco, M. (2018). Total Worker Health® intervention for construction workers alters safety, health, well-being measures. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 60 (8), 700-709. DOI: 10.1097/JOM.0000000000001290.


Anger, K., Elliot, D., Bodner, T., Olson, R., Rohlman, D., Truxillo, D., Kuehl, K., Hammer, L., & Montgomery, D. (2015). Effectiveness of Total Worker Health interventions.  Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 20(2), 226-247.


Scientific publications for family support dimension of toolkit


Crain, T. L., Hammer, L. B., Bodner, T., Kossek, E. E., Moen, P., Lilienthal, R., & Buxton, O. M. (2014). Work–family conflict, family-supportive supervisor behaviors (FSSB), and sleep outcomes. Journal of occupational health psychology, 19(2), 155.


Hammer, L. B., Ernst Kossek, E., Bodner, T., & Crain, T. (2013). Measurement development and validation of the Family Supportive Supervisor Behavior Short-Form (FSSB-SF). Journal of occupational health psychology, 18(3), 285. 


Hammer, L. B., Kossek, E. E., Anger, W. K., Bodner, T., & Zimmerman, K. L. (2011). Clarifying work–family intervention processes: The roles of work–family conflict and family-supportive supervisor behaviors. Journal of Applied Psychology, 96(1), 134.


Have questions? We're here to help.​

Contact us for more information and guidance on how we can help your organization be safe, healthy and well.

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The mission of the Oregon Healthy Workforce Center is to improve the workplace safety, health and well-being of workers through Total Worker Health® research, dissemination, outreach, and, education. We are housed within the Oregon Institute of Occupational Health Sciences at OHSU



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Portland OR 97239 USA

© 2018-2023 Oregon Healthy Workforce Center | Oregon Institute of Occupational Health Sciences at OHSU | Terms of Use I Contents on this website cannot be commercialized, resold or licensed without consent of OHSU


Total Worker Health® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Participation by the Oregon Healthy Workforce Centers does not imply endorsement by HHS, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. 

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