BeSuper Toolkit
This page includes downloads to the Be Super toolkit. These toolkit components are mostly free and low-cost resources designed to help workplaces improve workplace safety, health, and well-being. You can visit any time and download resources as often as you would like. All tools and toolkits can be implemented virtually and in person.
We are looking for organizations in all industries to participate: Join OHWC's YourWorkpath Program to get access to our Total Worker Health toolkits for 3 to 12 months at no cost to your organization with additional incentives included. Your workforce will build skills and strategies in safety and health, as well as build a culture of well-being.
Learn about our toolkits: schedule a one-on-one meeting here, by contacting Amy Spring at springam@ohsu.edu
Supervisors and employees in construction: BeSuper toolkit
BeSuper! Toolkit supervisors & employees in construction
BeSuper Complete User Guide
BeSuper! is an evidence-based program designed to help organizations improve safety, health, and well-being by educating managers and supervisors on supporting employee safety practices, improving well-being, and promoting healthy lifestyles. This toolkit consists of a supervisor/manager online training, daily activity tracking activity, and a team-based Get Healthier Lifestyle cards activity. Download the user guide to lear how your workplace can implement this Total Worker Health® toolkit.
Visit the BeSuper toolkit page
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BeSuper! for supervisors & employees in construction
Supervisor/Manager Online Training
The BeSuper online supervisor training outlines the importance of supervisor support in improving employee health and safety. This training covers areas to support communication and positive interactions between construction industry supervisors and their employees in both safety and health promotion, and strategies to help create a culture of health, safety and well-being in the workplace. A Spanish version of the training is also available.
Visit the BeSuper toolkit page
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BeSuper! Tools for supervisors & employees in construction
Get Healthier Lifestyle Education Cards (English)
Get Healthier’ Lifestyle education cards can help support workplaces interested in improving employee health and well-being. These cards are scripted peer led team discussions that cover a variety of health and wellness topics. The Get Healthier Lifestyle cards teach employees how to live healthier lifestyles by working in small groups or teams.
Visit the BeSuper toolkit page
Access and share the BeSuper one pager
BeSuper! for supervisors & employees in construction
Get Healthier Lifestyle Education Cards (Spanish)
Las tarjetas educativas sobre el estilo de vida "Get Healthier" les enseñan a los empleados cómo vivir estilos
de vida más saludables trabajando en pequeños grupos o equipos, hablando sobre la información escrita
en las tarjetas y practicando estos patrones de hábitos.
Visit the BeSuper toolkit page
Access and share the BeSuper one pager

YourWorkpath Program: Total Worker Health toolkits
We are looking for organizations in different industries in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Alaska and beyond to try our evidence-based safety, health, and well-being toolkits. Your organization will have the opportunity to gain access to a Total Worker Health toolkit for up to one year, with additional incentives. The only cost associated is printing of workbooks and/or activity worksheets for your organization. Programs can be implemented virtually or in person.
Interested in learning more? Contact Amy Spring at springam@ohsu.edu
Have questions? We're here to help.​
Contact us for more information and guidance on how we can help your organization be safe, healthy and well.
OHWC and Oregon Institute of Occupational Health Sciences tools and toolkits are protected under OHSU copyright.
Copyright © 2018 to 2023 OHSU All rights reserved. No part of the tools and toolkits may be reproduced, distributed, resold or transmitted without the prior written permission or licensing of OHSU. For permission requests, please contact us and put subject line "Tools and Toolkit Distribution and Licensing."