OHWC Tools and Toolkits
This page includes downloads to OHWC Total Worker Health® tools and toolkits. These tools and toolkits are mostly free and low-cost resources designed to help workplaces improve workplace safety, health, and well-being. You may visit any time and download resources as often as you would like. The resources are separated by industry. All tools and toolkits can be implemented virtually and in-person.
We are looking for organizations in all industries to participate: Join OHWC's YourWorkpath Program to get access to our Total Worker Health toolkits for 3 to 12 months with additional incentives included. Your workforce will build skills and strategies in safety and health, as well as build a culture of well-being.
If you would like to set-up a virtual meeting to learn more about our tools and toolkits, contact Amy Spring at springam@ohsu.edu
Visit our tools page for more information
Health Impacts Safety Guide
Health Impacts Safety are Total Worker Health meeting guides on safety and health hazards. Each scripted guide takes 10 to 15 minutes and intended to be used in a small to medium group setting, such as a safety or health committee meeting, toolbox meeting, or other team meetings
Visit the OHWC Tools page for additional information.
Resource Directory
Search Oregon Institute of Occupational Health Sciences directory for categories on the latest research and resources on various occupational health. Access resources and learn more about Total Worker Health®, ergonomics, chemical and biological exposures, industry-specific challenges and much more.
Visit the OHWC Tools page for additional information.
OR-FACE Toolbox Talks
Developed by the Oregon Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation (OR-FACE), Toolbox Talks are guided group discussions and conversation starters with action plans for safe work practices to prevent injuries and fatalities in the workplace.
Visit the OHWC Tools page for additional information.
Visit our toolkits page for more information on each program or download our tools and toolkits one pager to share with your organization.
Supervisors and employees in any industry: Safety and Health Improvement Program (SHIP)
SHIP Toolkit: Supervisor/Managers in any industry
Complete User Guide
Employees become healthier when their supervisors and teams work together to support safety, health, and work life balance. The Safety and Health Improvement Program (SHIP) is an evidence-based program designed to help workplaces build a culture of health, safety, and well-being by increasing supervisor support and team effectiveness.
Visit the SHIP toolkit page to learn more
Access the SHIP Briefing Slides
SHIP Tools: Supervisor/Managers in any industry
Online Supervisor Training
Supervisor Training is an essential aspect of SHIP and outlines the importance of supervisor support in improving employee health, safety & well-being. Content and LMS licensing for online training available. Contact us. Access the 60 minute online training below.
Visit the SHIP toolkit page to learn more
Access the SHIP Briefing Slides
SHIP Tools: Supervisor/Managers in any industry
Implementation Checklist
The SHIP toolkit requires three specific roles, the champion, supervisor/managers, as well as employees. This checklist was developed to help workplaces get started in SHIP and identify roles that can help your workplace successfully implement the toolkit. This list is a recommendation and can be adjusted to fit your organization's needs.
Visit the SHIP toolkit page to learn more
Access the SHIP Briefing Slides
SHIP Tools: Supervisor/Managers in any industry
Supervisor Behavior Tracking
Behavior tracking is a tool that can help supervisors and managers improve two types of support for employees, family and personal support, and safety support. This activity download includes a notecard or lanyard version to help managers and supervisors set goals and track supportive behaviors for 2 weeks.
Visit the SHIP toolkit page to learn more
Access the SHIP Briefing Slides
SHIP Tools: Supervisor/Managers in any industry
Supportive Supervisor Reference Guide
This tip sheet is a great tool tp understand concepts of supportive supervisor behaviors that can help support the well-being of employees. These concepts are covered in the SHIP toolkit online training for supervisors and manager, as well as concepts that are revisited in the Behavior Tracking and Team Effectiveness activities in the SHIP toolkit.
Visit the SHIP toolkit page to learn more
Access the SHIP Briefing Slides
SHIP Tools: Supervisor/Managers in any industry
Follow-up Guide & Quick Tools
Follow-up sessions are structured group discussion where supervisors and their teams meet to brainstorm solutions to improve work practices, communication, and the work environment. Follow-up consists of work practice assessments, tools, and templates to support team efficiency, work life balance and well-being of workers.
Visit the SHIP toolkit page to learn more
Access the Follow-up Briefing Slides
Young workers in any industry: Promoting U Through Safety & Health (PUSH)
PUSH Toolkit for young workers in any industry
Leader Workbook for Start the Conversation Activities
PUSH is a toolkit to help workplaces improve safety, health, and well-being for young workers between 14 to 24 years old. Our studies have shown outcomes resulting in a healthier and productive young workforce. The "Start the Conversation Activities" reinforce concepts learned in the PUSH online training. Their purpose is to engage supervisors and young workers in two-way conversation about safety and health in the workplace.
Visit the PUSH toolkit page to learn more
Access and share the PUSH one pager
PUSH Toolkit for young workers in any industry
PUSH Online Training
The PUSH online training is a 50-minute, self-paced program that uses videos and real life examples through stories of real young worker fatalities and injuries to teach young workers about safety, health, and communication. In this training, young workers will learn ways to prevent injuries in the workplace. The training topics are drawn from NIOSH Youth@Work : Talking safety curriculum, health promotion , and effective communication in the workplace.
Visit the PUSH toolkit page to learn more
Access and share the PUSH one pager
PUSH Toolkit for young workers in any industry
Visual Aid for PUSH Start the Conversation Activities
This download is used in the visual aid section for Lesson 1: Icebreaker in the Start the Conversation Activity workbook.The purpose of this activity is to engage young workers in an activity that sets the tone for future discussions about occupational safety and health. This activity uses historical trivia to highlight topics that will be discussed in depth during future activities. View the YouTube Video to help facilitate this activity.
Visit the PUSH toolkit page to learn more
Access and share the PUSH one pager
PUSH Tools for young workers in any industry
Social Media Prompts
Social media prompts are videos and images that can be used creatively by your organization to emphasize principles included in the online training or the "Start the Conversation Activities." Browse the Social Media Prompts Tumblr page that showcases examples and ideas to incorporate within your organization to promote younger worker safety, health and well-being and help further engage your young worker workforce.
Visit the PUSH toolkit page to learn more
Access and share the PUSH one pager
PUSH Toolkit for young workers in any industry
Employee Workbook for Start the Conversation Activities
The Start the Conversation are supervisor-led activities to help educate young workers in areas of safety, professional communication skills, and health promotion in the workplace. Work can impact safety on and off the job. These activities are designed to be led by supervisors at staff meetings or training sessions. Each activity is about 10-20 minutes long. This is the employee version of the workbook.
Visit the PUSH toolkit page to learn more
Access and share the PUSH one pager
PUSH Tools for young workers in any industry
YouTube Videos
​Access the PUSH young worker safety, health, and well-being toolkit YouTube Video channel to view videos from the online training of the toolkit. Use these videos as a stand alone tool to share with your organization in safety training with your workforce.
Visit the PUSH toolkit page to learn more
Access and share the PUSH one pager
Supervisors and employees in construction: BeSuper toolkit
BeSuper! Toolkit supervisors & employees in construction
BeSuper Complete User Guide
BeSuper! is an evidence-based program designed to help organizations improve safety, health, and well-being by educating managers and supervisors on supporting employee safety practices, improving well-being, and promoting healthy lifestyles. This toolkit consists of a supervisor/manager online training, daily activity tracking activity, and a team-based Get Healthier Lifestyle cards activity. Download the user guide to lear how your workplace can implement this Total Worker Health toolkit.
Visit the BeSuper toolkit page
Access and share the BeSuper one pager
BeSuper! for supervisors & employees in construction
Supervisor/Manager Online Training
The BeSuper online supervisor training outlines the importance of supervisor support in improving employee health and safety. This training covers areas to support communication and positive interactions between construction industry supervisors and their employees in both safety and health promotion, and strategies to help create a culture of health, safety and well-being in the workplace. A Spanish version of the training is also available.
Visit the BeSuper toolkit page
Access and share the BeSuper one pager
BeSuper! Tool for supervisors & employees in construction
Get Healthier Lifestyle Education Cards (English)
Get Healthier’ Lifestyle education cards can help support workplaces interested in improving employee health and well-being. These cards are scripted peer-led team discussions on health and wellness topics. The Get Healthier Lifestyle cards teach employees how to live healthier lifestyles by working in small groups or teams.
Visit the BeSuper toolkit page
Access and share the BeSuper one pager
BeSuper! for supervisors & employees in construction
Get Healthier Lifestyle Education Cards (Spanish)
Las tarjetas educativas sobre el estilo de vida "Get Healthier" les enseñan a los empleados cómo vivir estilos
de vida más saludables trabajando en pequeños grupos o equipos, hablando sobre la información escrita
en las tarjetas y practicando estos patrones de hábitos.
Visit the BeSuper toolkit page
Access and share the BeSuper one pager
Home care workers: COMmunity of Practice and Safety Support (COMPASS)
COMPASS Toolkit for home care workers
This download is used in the visual aid section for Lesson 1: Icebreaker in the Start the Conversation Activity workbook.The purpose of this activity is to engage young workers in an activity that sets the tone for future discussions about occupational safety and health. This activity uses historical trivia to highlight topics that will be discussed in depth during future activities. View the YouTube video to help facilitate this activity.
Visit the COMPASS Toolkit page to learn more. Access and share the COMPASS one pager.
COMPASS Toolkit for home care workers
COMPASS Toolkit Preview
Home care workers often lack access to training, ergonomic tools, and peer support, which puts them at greater risk for injuries and mental and physical illnesses. COMPASS is an evidence-based toolkit where home care workers learn together, set-goals, and get support for making changes to improve their safety, health and well-being. Contact schucker@ohsu.edu to gain access to COMPASS preview materials. Program is available at no cost.
Visit the COMPASS Toolkit page to learn more. Access and share the COMPASS one pager.
COMPASS Toolkit for home care workers
Work-Life Activity
The Start the Conversation are supervisor-led activities to help educate young workers in areas of safety, professional communication skills, and health promotion in the workplace. Work can impact safety on and off the job. These activities are designed to be led by supervisors at staff meetings or training sessions. Each activity is about 10-20 minutes long. This is the employee version of the user guide.
Visit the COMPASS Toolkit page to learn more. Access and share the COMPASS one pager.
OHWC and Oregon Institute of Occupational Health Sciences tools and toolkits are protected under OHSU copyright.
Copyright © 2018 to 2023 OHSU All rights reserved. No part of the tools and toolkits may be reproduced, distributed, resold or transmitted without the prior written permission or licensing of OHSU. For permission requests, please contact us and put subject line "Tools and Toolkit Distribution and Licensing."
Have questions? We're here to help.​
Contact us for more information and guidance on how we can help your organization be safe, healthy and well.